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Sports Marketing Communication Plan

1.0. Introduction

Sports companies are in contemporary times rapidly growing and remaining one of the most efficient industries that contribute towards national economic development. The selection of HART Sports that is headquartered in Queensland Australia, is a supplier of sporting goods, sports and fitness equipment, exercise gear, training aids, coaching accessories, physical education as well as sportswear sports equipment and sportswear products company of Australia. This company was established in 1992, by Greg Haren. It is actively working towards providing higher quality products and accessories as well as services to the sportsmen not only in Australia but in the global sports industry as well. The target markets of this company are the young women athletes who are facing pressure and are depressed due to over practicing and maintenance of perfectionism to a great extent (Baker et al., 2017).

2.0. Summary of the Health and Wellbeing Issues

The inclusion of this sport is therefore actively working towards enhancement and development of the sports industry and contributing towards addressing the health and wellbeing issue related to Over-training and Perfectionism that contributes to physical and emotional stress among football players of Australia. Today with the rapid growth of facilities and service offerings from various sports clubs, individual sports personnel are actively engaging towards over practicing and maintenance of perfectionism. That results in extreme pressure on the sportspersons, this higher amount of stress level is therefore also hampering the mental health and wellbeing of those individuals (da Silva & Las Casas, 2017). Hence the maintenance of perfectionism within the sports of football to remain in the limelight and fame are also becoming major factors that are hampering the mental health and wellbeing of the sportspersons in a much greater and negative way.

Analysis On External Judicial Practice And Internal Governance Mechanism

3.0. Market Research

The concept of market research is certainly very much significant and effective towards the maintenance of a higher degree of marketing practice that can contribute towards business performance and customer practices. The HART Sports are also actively working towards widening its scopes for business performance in a much appropriate and efficient manner. From such perspectives, developing proper sets of customer insights and customer persona is certainly very much important for the company (Denoa et al.,2018). As these are helping the company to understand its business competitiveness and customer preferences in a much appropriate manner. For understanding the customers for this sports company, it is incorporating market segmentation, Pricing research, Advertise testing as well as Interviews, focus groups as well as customer observations in a much appropriate and efficient manner. 

4.0. SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
An efficient set of brand imagesProper and efficient sets of customer services (Hartsport, 2021)Focusing on research and developmentRobust Financial development Recalling issues of productsLack of brand development frameworksUncertainty of business growth in post covid period.Lack of brand imaging and advertisement frameworks Developing the brand performance in the contemporary competitive environmentNewly launching sports accessories and sport waresScopes for investing in several new sport eventsScopes for business expansion in a much efficient and effective manner. Growth in market competitionInclusion of number of market competitors in regional and home sports markets in a much wider mannerDependence over a specific number of vendors and suppliers.Uncertainties for international business expansion due to global economic challenges.

Table 1: SWOT Analysis

(Source: Self-created)

5.0. Marketing Goals and Objectives

The marketing goal of the company is to enhance its scopes for developing sophisticated sets of designs that work hard and play hard. The business goal of the company is to help people stay active. This is because being active and playing sports has gone hand in hand with growing up in Australia. The Hart Sports company is also actively working towards establishing manufacturing facilities in which it is now producing over 700 quality foam and vinyl-related products collected from local areas (Hartsport, 2021). These locally collecting raw materials procedures are actively helping the company towards the maintenance of its operational costs within limited scopes. The objective of the company is therefore to work on maintaining the mental health of the sportspersons who are facing extreme pressure due to over practicing and perfectionism

SMART Objectives
Specific This objective is very much specific for the company to widen its business performance and achieve marketing goals
Measurable For achieving this objective, the company must need to work on proper and extensive sets of research and developmental procedures
Attainable This objective is attainable as well using proper sets of service delivery and offering of mental wellbeing sessions to those sportspersons who are facing extreme mental health issues.
Relevant Today with the growth of sports competitions both in the national and international environment, sportspersons are facing extreme pressures of making themselves perfect and widening their fame and perfections in a much appropriate manner. Hence, implementation of such objectives for business market expansion is certainly very much important and effective for the company to a much efficient and effective
Time-Bound 3-4 months

Table 2: SMART Objective

(Source: Self-Created)

6.0. Market Audiences

The company is also strategically working towards widening its scope for overall business performance strategies in a much appropriate and efficient manner. While doing so, the company is also delivering strategic approaches for enhancing the engagement with the target audiences in a much appropriate manner. The company is therefore efficiently working towards maintenance of messages for its participants and delivery of messages for business effectiveness. The message that is provided for its target audiences, as well as other stakeholders, is about believing in facilitating and supporting all Australians in all their sporting and fitness endeavors (Hartsport, 2021). From such perspectives, the engagement of target audiences includes sportspersons, doctors, sports managers, coaches, sports teachers, and other individuals directly or indirectly involved with sports. These marketing messages for the audiences are certainly very much effective for widening its scope for business enhancement. The company in this respect is also working towards developing a range of innovative products and services that are being designed for the customers for getting the most out of its intended business purposes.

Data Analysis and Findings

7.0. Marketing Message

The company is also strategically working towards minimizing the mental stress and illness including anxiety, depression of sportspersons that are developed due to overpricing and perfectionism in a much appropriate manner. For this, the company has also worked actively towards developing a set of marketing messages that are covering its mission and vision for customer attraction. The marketing message, therefore, includes, “Whether you play sport at an elite level or just at the local park, pool or schoolyard, sport defines our national character. Sport connects us, unites us (and occasionally divides us). We take pride in our sport, our teams, and our achievements in it.” The company in this respect strategically works towards its business performance and offers over several goods and services to the customers. HART, therefore, believes in facilitating and supporting all Australians in their all sporting and fitness endeavors (Gainsbury et al.,2017).

8.0. Channels of Communication

8.1. Face-to-face:

This is generally the most effective channel of communication for the companies like HART in its stores and exclusive outlets to attract customers and to deliver information about goods and services. It will help the company to maximize its information exchange procedures more firmly

8.2. E-Newsletters:

HART can also work on the publishing of E-Newsletters, at regular intervals in which all such information will be incorporated which are very much relevant and effective for the company. HART in this respect can work on popularising its products and services for mental wellbeing

8.3. Website:

Today most individuals are gathering information related to specific products or services through websites. Therefore developing an informative website is certainly an effective approach towards business development

8.4. Social Media:

Engagement with customers through social media is also in contemporary times an effective set of communication and marketing channels for the companies. It helps in covering a large number of audiences more firmly (Górecka, 2020).

8.5. Email:

It is an inexpensive and efficient tool for overall marketing communication. It helps in ensuring the proper engagement of customers

8.6. SMS:

It also can be utilized by HART to provide information related to its goods and services

8.7. Presentations, Seminars, and Workshops:

This is certainly an expensive set of marketing communication tools but also an effective well for enhancing the investors and marketers

8.8. Publications:

The company can work on this issue to widen its scopes for business performance information delivery to all the customers and stakeholders.

8.9. Mailout:

This process of direct mail-out helps HART to offer interesting discounts directly to the customers.

8.10. Media:

Integrated media channels are the most effective sets of communication platforms. This directly impacts the buying decisions of the customers. HART can also work on this issue to widen its scopes for business competitiveness

8.11. Advertising:

It helps HART to control its information delivery procedure in a much appropriate and efficient manner. It helps in maximizing business exposures.

8.12. Events:

For sports companies, events allow in attracting wider ranges of customers, end-users as well as investors to a much greater and effective manner.

8.13. Signage:

It also helps the company to reach directly to its target audiences (Baker et al.,2017).

9.0. Conclusion

In conclusion, it can be said that the engagement of sports companies in a contemporary globalized business environment certainly requires proper marketing planning. For this, the companies like HART must need to work on developing proper messages, marketing objectives, and marketing channels. Only Through this way can the company influence the customers more firmly and efficiently.


Baker, K., Warren, R., Abelson, J.L. & Sen, S., (2017). Physician mental health: depression and anxiety. In Physician mental health and well-being (pp. 131-150). Springer, Cham. Retrieved on 26-11-2021, from

da Silva, E. C., & Las Casas, A. L. (2017). Sports marketing plan: an alternative framework for sports club. International Journal of Marketing Studies9(4), 15-28. Retrieved on 26-11-2021, from

Denoa, E., Kritzeck, L., Romanski, S., & Strandd, B. (2018). Early Sport Specialization: Risks, Avoidance, and College Scholarships. Retrieved on 26-11-2021, from

Gainsbury, S. M., Abarbanel, B., & Blaszczynski, A. (2017). Game on: Comparison of demographic profiles, consumption behaviors, and gambling site selection criteria of esports and sports bettors. Gaming Law Review21(8), 575-587. Retrieved on 26-11-2021, from,%20consumption%20behaviours%20and%20site%20selection%20of%20esports%20bettors%20pre-print.pdf?sequence=2

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