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Table of Contents

Assessment 2a: Team Report 3

Task one: Other projects that need to be considered. 3

Task two: Critical appraisal of an existing campus building. 7

Task Three: Possible campus project 13

Assessment 2B.. 17

Reflection of Unaisa Subair K.. 17

Reflection of Chinnu Gervasis. 18

Reflection of Benjamin Solomon Raj 19

References. 20

Assessment 2a: Team Report

Task one: Other projects that need to be considered

The other projects that the university should consider are 

i) A building accommodation for different types of teaching spaces, seminar rooms that can be used by small groups. The building will also accommodate 300 students and provide flexible spaces which can be subdivided for specific size of classes. All these spaces will require inclusion of the useful digital technologies for providing teaching.

ii) A space where it is possible for the doctoral students to work, use important open plan spaces for the office. This space can accommodate more than 200 students in clusters. 

iii) Technology enabled spaces for promoting self-directed learning and recognising varieties of ways where students can learn. Some of the examples can be doing group works, making effective usage of spaces for studying and reading, and the spaces where students can get access to various online resources.

Meeting spaces, buildings and projects for improving the university campus for the staffs and the students

First project is on building an accommodation on seminar rooms and different teaching spaces that different small groups can use. This can help in developing an effective innovation and leading learning ecosystem. With the combination of important digital learning and face to face courses, it is possible for developing specific work based scopes and providing important activities that can help in enhancing employability and academic success that are focused on adding value to the students. We feel proud of improving and providing support to education in the university. The project can also help in making sure that all the academics are given the support required for remaining up to date with all the disciplines and pursuing professional development. This project is also useful for giving the services required to different communities through increasing contribution in terms of economic, social and cultural wellbeing of different communities which can be served through development and application of effective understanding and knowledge (Plan, 2018). This project can enable the university to have a good reputation. With the development of robust regional linkages, it will be possible for the university to use all the important opportunities for different students and give them important opportunities for building employment and careers in any region (Kamal and Safayat, 2015). For the development of the project, it is required to give responses to specific requirements of the employer for developing curriculum. It is also useful for gigging education to 10% of the degree apprenticeship provided by the providers of UK higher education. With increasing knowledge of the university and awareness, it can help in analysing the abilities of the graduates in ensuring ARU qualifications. 

The project on dedicated space for doctoral students which can accommodate nearly 200 students can be useful for nurturing vibrant communities in the university. ARU takes pride in the diverse students that they have. Therefore, it is very important for the university community to permit the students to meet, study and socialize with different other students who come from different nations and have different backgrounds (Chotpantarat, Parkchai and Wisitthammasri, 2020). For making this project successful, it is important for making considerable investments in the process of recruitment. It is also necessary to support the student body through drawing students from specific backgrounds (Jafari and Hein, 2021).  In the case of the project on building of the dedicated space, it will be possible for getting an equitable mix of different doctoral students. Support can be given whenever required. Students at present will get many benefits from the investment made. It will also be useful for helping them in developing skills over the years. On the basis of intergenerational fairness, it can be stated that it is necessary to make investments for providing important benefits to the students in the years to come. 

For making the project successful, it is of paramount importance to have good partnership between the students’ union and the university. This is responsible for designing and delivering all the changes which fulfil the requirements of the students (Newman et al., 2020). For developing the reputation as an effective employer, focus should be on attracting and having the most important people. For this purpose, the university has made substantial investments on the staff. For the past few years, the student and academic staff ratio has improved significantly. The ratio went from 23.8:1 to 18.3:1. It is nearly 23% development. It is a fact that the academic staff of Anglia Ruskin University has the highest educational qualification level. The university has many principal fellows who are from higher education academies. The number is more than any other English University. It is considered among the top ranked universities in the UK. Since 2010-11, the total number of Phd qualifications is increasing. Over the years, there has been a 32% increase in the total number of academic staff with PhD. This is regarded as the third fastest increase in the country over time. It is responsible for representing real investment in the academic capital of the university. With staff development strategies, it has become possible for the university to spend more money than the benchmark peers on development of staff, most of which has focused on the educational experience of the students. For developing the staff, more money is spent on the benchmark pees for staff development, most of which has a direct goal on educational experience of the students (PRABU, 2020). For developing the project, it is very much important to the ARU community from colleges, schools, alumni, supporters and friends. 85% of the graduates have been found from the region. They can contribute properly to the health workforce and the regional economy. 

Technology enabled spaces can be used for improving self-developed learning processes. This project can help in strengthening different types of activities undertaken by the University. Depending on the functions of the university, it becomes possible for doing innovation, and taking approaches that are user focused for solving problems (Bañares Anglada, 2020). With student focused investments, it will become possible to focus on student facing areas which include development of social spaces and providing support to important infrastructures.  For providing technology enabled spaces, it is important to support the wellbeing and health of all the students which include people who have mental health requirements. For this purpose, investment has increased on specific services on wellbeing and counselling that are given to ARU students in the last few years. There has beena 60% increase in individuals’ interventions from the years 2012 to 2013. For making this project successful, people need to invest considerably in digital infrastructure. These include canvas for supporting excellence in terms of research and education. This has to be continued for fulfilling the ambition of becoming a digital leader. This can be achieved only if the infrastructure can be developed properly and effectively. It is also important to have a balance of the present expenditure and the things that need to be done in future. The most important thing that needs to be kept in mind is to what extent the investments are providing the benefits required to the students (Hamem, 2021). For the university, the academic environment has to be prioritized. At the same time, it is necessary to recognize the things that cannot be neglected. This is useful for identifying all the functional abilities of the university. 

The university needs to make the most of the resources available and work effectively to improve them. Data and evidence have to be used for identifying all the areas where it is necessary to make investments and improvements. Resource focus should be on the important areas that can be able to deliver a huge impact. With a regular benchmark of the spending, it will be possible for analysing the peer institutions to find spending of the per institutions to analyse the spending patterns effectively and make effective use of them for evaluating planning and budget process (Tong et al., 2018). 

With the help of all these projects, it will be possible for the University to demonstrate effective understanding of specific issues related to the environment and the effect that it has on the project design and the environment. It is important to note that innovative and new ideas about specific learning spaces can help in representing important opportunities for higher education for making successful learning (de Duren, 2018). With effective usage of information technology, learning spaces will have the potential for servicing new paradigms of learning. Simultaneously, it can help in meeting the expectations and requirements of all the students. As education is the main mission of higher education for Anglia Ruskin University, it is necessary to take into account the space and learning where it will take place. For providing service to the educational enterprise, it is important to develop learning spaces for optimizing information technology, current learning theory and net generation convergence. It will also become possible by taking into account important study centres which act as the motivator for development and socialization for innovation and improvement of productivity. With increase in society and industry awareness, innovation and product development can be done properly (Bortolini, Formoso and Viana, 2019). Additionally, it will be possible to improve the management process of study centres in an interdisciplinary way for obtaining productivity increase with good quality. For the development of information systems for the university study centre, expert users, students, private and important communities have to be taken into account. These projects can help in helping the students to use important faculties effectively, holding seminars, workshops and different other important meetings for science and community development. With the improvement of community service, state enterprises, public enterprises and private enterprises can seek the solutions required for the problems in any field. 

The important strengths of the study center are allowing for review of any area for identifying all the interdisciplinary and integrated problems, being the tool for collecting experts for discussing integrated knowledge to develop a scientific community and facilitating important relations with the world beyond the university, so that bureaucracy is not required. Moreover, it is also required to accumulate important materials, matters and references which are linked with specific areas of problem. Universities can get important opportunities through getting funds which can help in improving CSR responsibility to the community. In addition, the presence of important scopes for the universities can be responsible for moving to a good position. 

Task two: Critical appraisal of an existing campus building

The teaching and the learning spaces are the chosen buildings that have been considered for environmental impact assessment within the master plan of Rivermead Campus. A learning building that can accommodate the 315 students who can learn there as well as can live there. Therefore, modification of the existing building as extension of environmentally sustainable buildings in the new site, both are important.

Figure 1: Master Plan of Rivermead Campus, Anglia Ruskin University

Figure 1: Master Plan of Rivermead Campus, Anglia Ruskin University

(Source: Provided)

The building that has been chosen for the environmental impact assessment is the building number 5 or student center. At first the performance of the building in sustainability terms is going to be assessed following the BREEAM assessment methods. Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment (BREEAM) is a method of assessing the environmental performance of the existing buildings which was launched in 1990 (BREEAM, 2021).  The parameters based on which the assessment of the existing student centre is going to be done are as follows;


The existing energy source to light up the existing student center is conventional electric energy. ARU has signed a wind farm deal of £50m in 2019 (ARU, 2019). However, the consequent activities have not been started yet. Therefore, it can be said that usage of renewable energy is zero for the existing student center now. In general the normal learning spaces and the schools of the UK use 119 kWh/m^2/year of energy but the benchmark is 110 kWh/m^2/year (Kilpatrick and Banfill, 2011). The benchmark is considered as the good target of energy consumed by the schools. The present student center on an average consumes 112 kWh/m^2/year of energy. Thus it can be said that total energy consumed by the existing building is slightly above the benchmark value.

Land use and ecology

The instances of the exploitation of the vegetation and modification of the natural resources of land into urban environments for the benefit of the human beings are the main aspects of the land usage assessment (Designing Buildings, 2021). The Rivermead campus of ARU is already located in the industrial estate Thus, it can be said that an increased amount of natural resources were not there from the initiation and the building has not much destroyed the natural vegetation of that place. As indicated by McGrath (2000), industrial lands are differentiated in well-planned plots which are used for construction purposes. Reviewing the location of the existing student center from the map, it can be said that the building has not hampered any natural vegetation adjacent to it. 


Water is essential for the conduction of the daily activities of a college campus. From sanitation to drinking purpose, water is highly necessary for all of the important operations within the college building (Designing Building, 2021). The student center of the ARU has two large reservoirs that quench the water of the existing buildings. On average, a college campus that has 8000 student capacity uses 180 liters of water each day (UWE Bristol, 2017). At present the student center of the ARU uses 90 liters of water which is certainly higher for just one building. ARU has started initiatives to store rainwater for sanitary purposes (ARU 2021).  At present, there is no measure to purify the used water so entire sanitary water gets dropped into the river Chelmer. Thus, it can be said that water is being misutilised in the existing building.

Wellbeing and Health

As indicated by Bratman et al., (2019), it can be said that air space, light and the ambience of a building have high impacts on the mental health of the people who live or work in that building. Presently four sides of the student center are empty. As per the official guidelines of the UK the optimum level of carbon dioxide inside the building is below 1000ppm in case of schools. However the average CO2 emission by the student center is 1200 ppm which is slightly higher than the standard rate (Energ, 2021). Thus, it can be said that the present air quality of the building is slightly average in nature. The existing building has ample windows and there are no big trees adjacent to the building so ample amount of sunlight enters into the room. Therefore, it can be said that an average amount of sustainable health and wellbeing have been maintained in the building. 


As per the National Planning Policy Framework, pollution is anything that affects the quality of water, land, air and degrades human health as well. Chelmsford council has its own standards regarding the pollution issue of the environment (Chelmsford City Council, 2021). During the construction particulate matters have polluted the air. Spray booths have emitted particulate matter 12mg/Nm^3. The amount of emitted sulphur dioxide was 2% wt/wt sulfur in the fuel. Both of these amounts are above the general amount (Chelmsford City Council, 2021). Other than these pollutants, painting activities and floor preparations also emit volatile organic compounds in the indoor as well as outdoor air. VOC concentrations are 1000 times higher indoors than outdoors (Designing Buildings, 2021). During the construction activity, a huge amount of VOCs has polluted the adjacent air and the amount was more than the standard rate. Thus, it can be said that a high amount of pollution is detected in the existing student centre.


Transportation is a biggest concern for a college campus. From the extension of an existing building to the ways of communication are included within the transportation aspects. There is a pedestrian spine that has separated the vehicle and the servicing movements from each other. However, from the plan laid out it can be said that there is a safe path for the normal students but lack of proper roads for entry of the large vehicles. In case of future construction, transporting essential materials can be difficult (Designing Buildings, 2021).


Using sustainable products for the construction of the buildings is the new trend of the construction industry (Designing Buildings, 2021). However, in the preparation of the existing building much of the sustainable products had not been used. As of now, the student centre has not experienced any kind of wall damp. However, huge amounts of coal ash, concrete, adhesives, and bricks have been used. A small amount of Wood fibres have been used in a small amount which is a sustainable construction material (Build pass, 2021). The windows are made up of steel panes and mirrors. In case of the extension of the buildings, the windows may be built by eco-friendly materials like wool and aluminium.    


Construction activities as well as daily activities of the student centre give rise to a huge amount of waste materials (Designing Buildings, 2021). Asbestos, bricks, concrete, soil, gypsum are some of the wastes that were generated during the construction of the existing student place. Therefore, it can be assumed that a similar amount of waste materials is also going to be generated in the extension of the building as well. Generally, on an average 22 kg wastes are produced by an individual in school or college each year (Recycleno, 2021). Presently the existing students of the student centre produce 24 Kg wastes/student each year. Thus, it can be said that the amount of total generated waste is slightly higher than the optimum level.


Proper management of the construction activities is important (Designing Buildings, 2021). Otherwise huge amounts of accidents can hamper the sustainability of the whole construction process. Construction industry is generally prone to accidents (Hola et al., 2017). However, during the construction of the student centre no accident has happened and entire work has been completed within time. Thus, it can be said that the management of the construction activities was good.  

As already has been discussed, BREEAM is an assessment method of rating different essential parameters associated with a building in a proper way. The essential parameters that are included in the BREEAM rating are as follows;

  • Level of benchmarks of BREEAM level
  • Minimum standards of BREEAM
  • Weightings of the environmental sections
  • Credits and issues associated with the BREEAM assessment

After rating the existing student centre building of Anglia Ruskin University, the following result has been obtained.

BREEAM Section Credits Achieved Credits Available % of Credits Achieved Section Weighting Section score
Management 10 22 45.45454545 0.12 5.454545455
Health & Wellbeing 7 10 70 0.15 10.5
Energy 9 30 30 0.19 5.7
Transport 6 9 66.66666667 0.08 5.333333333
Water 3 9 33.33333333 0.06 2
Materials 5 12 41.66666667 0.125 5.208333333
Waste 2 7 28.57142857 0.075 2.142857143
Land Use & Ecology 7 10 70 0.1 7
Pollution 5 13 38.46153846 0.1 3.846153846
Final BREEAM score         47.18522311
BREEAM Rating     Good    

Table 1: Appraisal of the existing building using BREEAM

(Source: Self-calculated using the standard rates of BREEAM, 2021)

As per the above table, it can be said that minimum BREEAM standards have to be maintained to achieve the optimum level of environmental sustainability. There are certain benchmarks that help in understanding the environmental sustainable performance of the buildings. A BREEAM score more than 85% is considered as outstanding (BREEAM, 2021). Scores that are more than 70% are termed as excellent. However, the total score that has been obtained by the performance assessment of Student Center is 47.18%. This parameter is slightly higher than 45% which is considered to be good in nature (BREEAM, 2021). Thus, it can be said that the Student Center has performed well in maintaining the environmental sustainability of the adjacent areas of Chelmsford campus.  

From the performance assessment of the existing building, it can be said that till now the construction works have been successful in maintaining the performance parameter. The extension plan that has been prepared by the university in the Chelmsford campus has to be such that maintaining the sustainability of the adjacent environment is essential so that no environmental parameters get breached in the construction of the new buildings. There are some of the areas of concern that need to be especially monitored which involve the pollution, wastedisposition, indoor and outdoor air quality, transport aspects and the planning of the roads. Moreover, the existing buildings have not used sustainable building products as well as renewable energy resources have not been started using yet. Thus, it can be said that improving these areas may help the new buildings to be environmentally sustainable.

Task Three: Possible campus project

Schedule of accommodation for the building extension project

Types of buildings/ rooms/ spaces

Study buildings or classrooms have been planned to be constructed in the Chelmsford Campus of Anglia Ruskin University. The university has planned to accommodate at least 315 students and if not possible than 300 students have to be accommodated within the new building. A three storey building has been planned to be constructed. The top floor is dedicated for reading and study areas of the students and some of the parts will be dispersed in the lower floors as well. Each student takes up 170 sq ft area as per approximation. Thus, in order to accommodate 350 students, (350*170) sq ft = 59500 sq ft space is required. The first floor is going to be used for both accommodation and class purposes. For managing the accommodation of around 35 students, 35*210 = 7350 sq ft space is required. The ground floor is going to accommodate the rest of the living areas and blank spaces which are going to cover 3500 sq ft. The building plan can be modified as per the area fit in future. Covering three floors, 30 rooms will be there in the new building. As indicated by Sun et al. (2018), keeping ample amounts of light and air space are important for green buildings.  

Types of technologies/appliances

Following the renewable energy tie up of ARU, it can be said that the new buildings are going to install solar panels so the energy requirement of the building can be quenched from the solar energy. The master plan also includes usage of the large reservoirs for storing rainwater which will be channelised for sanitation. Other technologies to be planned to be included in the building are green insulation. This technology uses the green or biodegradable products for preparing the wall insulation. Cool roofs are another technology that is going to be used here. The reflectance of the cool roofs is down by 50 degrees (Howstuffworks, 2021). In this way the temperature can be lowered. The building master plan has determined to use biodegradable material for preparing the building which will include vinyl, composite, fiberglass, wood fiber, Icyene and many more which are long lasting in nature (Build pass, 2021).

Types of people

Teachers, professors, residential students, doctoral students are the people who are going to use the building in an effective manner.

Effects of the usage on the building

All the people who are going to use the planned building are educated and university students or staff. ARU in their 2017-2026 growth plans has aimed to achieve sustainability in all the management and administrative processes through proper planning as well as leadership (ARU 2021). As all of the people who are going to use the building are well informed and concerned about sustainability, all the features of the planned building are going to be well managed.

People needed to be designed for

In the designer team there are going to be 10 members. The accommodation plan is going to be initially designed for 35 students and for the study room the plan is for 250 students. In addition to the students, teachers and teaching staff are to be included in the final design as well.

Selection of campus site

Figure 2: Selected campus site for the new building

Figure 2: Selected campus site for the new building

(Source: Provided master plan)

The selected place is situated in the Rivermead Campus of ARU. Chelmer river is nearby to the place. Being situated in the Chelmsford industrial estate, a separate plot is already available for the new construction. On one side of the selected site there is a pedestrian road, building number five and six are situated on the other two sides. The main road is situated on the other side of the site. A small place is going to keep vacant for air and light passing. 

Figure 3: Schedule of activities

Figure 3: Schedule of activities

(Source: Self-prepared)

From the above schedule it can be said that the whole project is going to be completed within a time period of seven years. The design and the planning processes have initiated in 2017 and the installation of the solar panels is going to be installed within 2022. The whole project is going to be completed as wells the buildings are going to be functional from 2024 onwards. Thus, it can be said that proper achievement of this project can help the university to achieve the sustainability aim.  

Reasons for choosing BREEAM method over DNGB and LEED

As per the opinion of Sewell and Fraser (2019), sustainable and environmental assessment is essential while undertaking any kind of construction project as a construction project might increase environmental pollution measures. Apart from that the environmental performance of the buildings are also concerning aspects which need proper assessment. It has been identified that 35% of total carbon emission in the UK is from the buildings and among all the buildings 40% are commercial buildings (Insight, 2015). Thus, it can be stated that undertaking a construction project not only creates sustainable issues during its project tenure, but also in its maintenance as well. For that reason adaptation of effective and suitable methods for sustainable and environment assessment has become important.

In the study of environmental sustainability assessment methodology DGNB, LEED and BREEAM are the three most effective and practiced methodologies. DGNB is a “three pillar” system which focuses on the issues of socio-culture, ecology and economy. Hamedani and Huber (2012) have opined that DGNB helps in evaluation of procedural as well as technical qualities in a holistic way. This is also known as the “Holistic Sustainable Construction Method”. On the other hand, LEED is another method which aims at providing a framework for providing highly efficient, healthy and cost-saving green buildings with effective outcomes (Sewell and Fraser, 2019). The system proceeds through a performance index (both “Total Performance Index” and “Minimum Performance Index”) of the existing buildings or for the buildings in use. BREEAM is another scientific methodology providing a baseline barrier for waste management with keen monitoring and as well as records so that the negative impact on the waste on the environment can be reduced (Sewell and Fraser, 2019). 

From the close analysis of all these methodologies it can be stated that DGNB is a holistic method and that is not potential enough to handle the complexities concerning the case project. Hamedani and Huber (2012), have identified that both LEED and BREEAM are scientific methods dealing with environmental sustainability of the buildings. In the BREEAM method, licensed assessors are liable to analyse the credit criteria; whereas; the LEED method allows the design team to present a report to the authority for approval of certification. On the other hand, Hamedani and Huber (2012), have argued that LEED threshold is determined by Index Performance Percentage; however, BREEAM is based on quantitative standards. In the given case, the project is also prone to various pollutants which need proper assessment as well as control. In order to assess the environmental and sustainable aspect of the case project, BREEAM Methodology has been selected as it not only takes care of the polluting areas by the project, but also increases environmental performance of the targeted construction projects with certain scientific collaboration. Most importantly, BREEAM is the standard framework for environmental assessment in the UK which might make the project following the standards of the UK. Sustainability assessment is important for measuring the environmental impacts of the construction plan that is going to be done. From the detailed comparison of BREEAM with other techniques, it can be said that BREEAM include all the parameters that are useful for maintaining sustainability of a construction place. Effective designing, enhanced by effective leadership, resource planning and procurement plans are useful in maintaining the sustainability of a construction work.

The main principle behind the evaluation of BREEAM, DNGB and LEED is to use holistic and in depth descriptions. The main importance of the BREEAM method is that it is very easy to use (Kamal and Safayat, 2015). Another important thing that needs to be considered is identifying all the positive effects that help in setting clear goals for developing good relationships with the stakeholders. There are different processes which need to be developed for developing industry standards, improving awareness, developing creative thinking and analysing important regulations. It will also be useful for taking a definitive and measurable approach for managing the buildings. It is also important to measure long term accountability or important justifications specific to any site for analysing commercial experiences for dominating benefits of sustainability on a long term basis (Hamem, 2021). A BREEAM certificate needs to be added for measuring the performance design process. All the accesses have recognized the usefulness of getting involved from the beginning of a project for understanding the construction process and giving the advice required. BREAM is considered unanimously as the effective model for doing effective assessment. It has important potential for measuring sustainable development only if the term can be used in a broader sense that can help in analysing specific development stages (Tong et al., 2018). 

Assessment 2B

Reflection of Unaisa Subair K

My disciplinary background is B.Tech in Naval architecture. My colleagues are mostly from electrical and electronics engineering. 

I differ with my colleagues in views on the benefits of the projects. I think the three projects will be useful for helping us in underpinning different activities that are responsible for adding and delivering important values to the students, the region selected and the community. I believe that the projects can provide important benefits to the student cohorts and the entire community of the university. At the same time, it can also help in taking into account the important impacts that the students and the university have on specific communities. I think that with the help of improvement of the curriculum and making sure that the education of the students is increased with the help of first hand contact along with effective research techniques, it will be possible for ensuring that the academics get enough support for remaining up to date in different disciplines. It also helps them in pursuing the professional development process properly. 

If faced with a similar situation in the future, I will first choose the projects that can help in serving the communities effectively through increasing the contribution of cultural, economic and social development. In addition, it will also be useful for applying effective understanding and knowledge on specific subjects. With the promotion of enterprise reputation, it is necessary for managing the qualifications of the students. I am of the opinion that with the increase in globalization, it will be possible for increasing economic competitiveness. This in turn can affect the level of innovation and develop scientific as well as technological knowledge. University will act as the major scientific knowledge source. It will help in innovation and development of competitiveness. Moreover, with the selection of important campuses for building and critically evaluating the sustainability terms and the measures that need to be taken for choosing environmental standards, it is necessary for adding values to the education system. Application of communication technologies and important information can help in revolutionizing the different ways of lecturing to the students.

Reflection of Chinnu Gervasis

My disciplinary background is B.Tech Electronics. My colleagues are mostly from electrical and civil engineering. 

I differ in views from my colleagues in terms of the existing campus building that has been chosen by me is the student centre. The centre is useful for providing important benefits in terms of development of services that are responsible for analysing the performance of the students. From the masterplan, it will be possible for the university to identify all the potential and important resources with the help of useful approaches for getting many benefits from the public on a long term basis. This can also help in improving the competitiveness of the nations. With an improved approach, it will be possible for examining specific types of management that can help in increasing economic productivity through leveraging of all the existing resources. The chaos building number five of the student centre is useful for analysing the environment properly and ensuring different sustainabilitytermswith the help of BREEAM approach. With effective exchange of knowledge, consultancy and innovation, it will be possible to consider useful activities that can help in making effective usage of renewable energy. For making the projects successful, vegetation has to be exploited and natural resources have to be modified for providing important benefits to the human beings. This is the main area of the assessment of land usage. As the Rivermead campus of ARU is situated in an industrial area, therefore, it is important to use much natural vegetation. Industrial lands can be used for all the plots which can be applied for specific construction purposes.   

If I am faced with similar situations again in the future, I will use different elements like pollution, materials, transport, management and waste. I will give preference to them. I will apply BREEAM standards for achieving environmental sustainability at optimum level. I will also consider important benchmarks for comprehending the sustainable performance of the buildings. From the evaluation of the performance, it can be stated that construction works will be useful in meaning the parameter of performance. The developed extension plan can be helpful for managing environmental sustainability in the Chelmsford campus areas. 

Reflection of Benjamin Solomon Raj

My disciplinary background is mechanical engineering. My colleagues are mainly from mechanical and electrical engineering. 

The views and approach of mine differ from that of my colleagues in ways the things that need to be included for meeting the selected environment standards are usage of professional and technical expertise, and knowledge on specific subjects. The experts are responsible for developing important government standards. The way I see it, environmental and sustainable assessment is important at the time of managing any type of construction project. This can raise the level of environmental pollution. Moreover, it is important to take into account commercial buildings and carbon emissions in the UK from specific buildings. It is important to take into account higher sustainability standards, contribution of the new buildings to take important sustainability measures for developing biodiversity and decreasing car usage. I believe that the projects can provide important benefits to the student cohorts and the entire community of the university. At the same time, it can also help in taking into account the important impacts that the students and the university have on specific communities. I think that with the help of improvement of the curriculum and making sure that the education of the students is increased with the help of first hand contact along with effective research techniques, it will be possible for ensuring that the academics get enough support for remaining up to date in different disciplines. Theviews and approach of mine differ from the energy requirements of the building which need to be obtained from the solar energy. The master plan consists of large reservoirs for the storage of rainwater which can be used for sanitation purposes. Moreover, other technologies need to be planned for the inclusion in the green insulation and building. I think usage of cool words can be useful for reducing the temperature substantially. 

If a similar situation occurs in the future, I will use biodegradable materials for the building. In addition, elements like composite, fiberglass, Icyener, wood fibre and vinyl can be applied for managing the buildings properly.  


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