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Religion and Law

It appears that you were directed to this area of the internet because you have chosen an intriguing subject to write a dissertation on. Religious law is highly fascinating and complex, and it has more practical applications and implications than one might think. This is the correct location for you if you are a law student studying this area of specialization in law and are looking for engaging topics related to it. But first, before we get into the religious law dissertation topics, let’s go over what religious law is.

What is religious law?

Religious law is used by many governments around the world in place of or in addition to secular law as their governing code of conduct. The term, religious law refers to the morals and ethics that are taught by religious traditions or doctrines. These laws are primarily derived from the various holy scriptures relevant to the various religions and are thought to have been either written by deities or other supernatural beings of similar stature, prophets, or other great individuals of value. The presence of religious law in the law and legislature, whether explicitly or implicitly, is a common occurrence even in secular states, given the substantial populations of individuals who are affiliated with a religion.

Review the following list of exceptional dissertation topics on religious law: 

The introduction of Buddhism in Japan and its impact on the country’s current economic and technological development: 

Aim: Theologians and many other individuals think that religion has played, and in some ways continues to play, a significant role in the development of human civilization. A remarkable economy that is virtually entirely based on the intelligence and caliber of its human resources, Japan is one of the few nations in the world that is technologically unmatched. This study will examine how Buddhism, a foreign religion that became legally established in Japan in the sixth century AD, has affected the temperament, intellect, intelligence, and other personality attributes of the Japanese people.

Discuss the extent to which religious differences are responsible for the crisis in the Gaza Strip: 

Aim: Located in the Middle East, the Gaza Strip is a Palestinian enclave. The militant Palestinian group Hamas is in charge of this region of the territory. There is an ongoing conflict between this militant group and Israel. The study’s goal is to objectively discuss how much of this dispute is driven by political agendas and how much is entirely driven by religious convictions; if there is any overlap, to what extent does one encourage the other?

How does racism by the legal system differ for Caucasian immigrants who follow the Christian faith in the UK from people of colour who follow a faith other than Christianity? 

Aim: In nations with a native or original immigrant population of white Christians, racism is on the rise. This research study will examine how, in addition to skin colour, the religion practiced by an immigrant in the United Kingdom may affect how that person is regarded by law enforcement.

If religion dictates morality, would this morally excuse atrocities committed in the name of God and/or religion? Discuss 

Aim: Many proponents of religion hold the belief that religion cannot be abolished because it is the basis for human morality. However, there are also arguments made by more skeptical-minded individuals claiming that morality is an inherent trait of a person and religion can’t have any bearing on making a person more or at all moralistic if they lack the inherent groundwork. Let’s suppose for the purposes of this study that religion is a very important aspect that determines morality. Then, try to determine whether or not crimes performed in the name of God or a particular religion can be considered to be objectively morally correct by the people.


Even in modern democracies, religion continues to play a significant role in people’s lives, which is precisely why religious law is significant in today’s world. People frequently act in accordance with their religious beliefs, and modern democracies grant them the freedom to do so; thus, frequently, situations might arise that call for making a choice that respects all of the parties’ religious freedoms.


Religious law continues to be significant and has a broad scope. Islamic law is widely used to regulate the nations of the Middle East. Hanbali, the most stringent variety of Sharia law, is used in Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Religious law is utilized for some legal purposes in other, more secular nations as well, such as registering marriages in accordance with a specific religion the parties involved are a part of or showing up in company legislation. For example, the Hindu Undivided Family Businesses of India. On the surface, countries like America appear to respect the separation of church and state, but due to the right-to-religion legislation upheld by the majority of western democracies, religious doctrines inevitably find their way into the mainstream of judicial decisions.

Introduction, Literature Review, Research Methodology, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion are the chapters that make up a dissertation. However, this is only the format. A good religious law dissertation should attempt to address a topic that has practical relevance and make effective use of the information gathered.