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Law of Communication

The law of communication, sometimes known as communications law, is a specialised subject of the legal profession with broad application and current significance. If you are a law student pursuing this specialization, you must be searching for some engaging and practical Law of Communication Dissertation Topics. This page is for you because we have compiled a list of some of the most intriguing and significant dissertation topics related to this field of study.

So what exactly is the law of communications?

The body of legislation known as communications law is concerned with the rules and laws governing both public communication channels like the internet, newspapers, and cable as well as different private communication channels like phones, emails, text messages, etc. Its purview is restricted to the regulation of wired and wireless electronic communications.

Dissertation topics for the law of communication or communications law:

This article was brought to you by academics who are very knowledgeable about the complexities of the legal profession and its specialised fields. These academics have the knowledge to know which topics make for the best dissertation papers because of their years of experience in the field. The topics that they have put together are listed below.

Should the government have the power to violate its people’s right to privacy and examine their personal correspondence as a counterterrorism measure?

Aim: The ability of a government to monitor in on citizens’ private conversations when it suspects wrongdoing has been employed frequently. Many other nations, including the UK, have the potential to snoop on people’s private conversations as a counterterrorism measure, just as the USA has been revealed to have done by Edward Snowden. The purpose of this study is to determine whether or not this government technique should be viewed as a violation of the right to privacy or as a necessary evil in order to achieve a larger good.

Discuss whether or not the media company in question should be held accountable if it acts as a conduit for the perpetration of a crime, using the case of Eimann v. Soldier of Fortune Magazine as a point of reference:

Aim: In the case of Eimann v. Soldier of Fortune Magazine, the victim’s husband hired an assassin to kill his wife using the advertisement that was published in the magazine. This dissertation will try to respond to the question of whether or not a media is accountable for the commission of a crime, even if it was done without its knowledge, from the standpoint of communications law, using this case as a reference.

Discuss how the law regulates political and election advertising.

Aim: Political advertising includes newspaper advertisements, advertising displays, signs, brochures, billboards, articles, tabloids, flyers, letters, radio or TV appearances, as well as other mass-communication methods, all of which are used to communicate with the public in an effort to win votes, donations, or any other kind of political support. Laws regulate political advertising during federal elections. The legal restrictions on political and electoral advertising will be covered in this dissertation.

What is the difference between freedom of the press and freedom of speech?

Aim: Freedom of speech and freedom of the press are two very popular civil liberties, and they are distinct from each other. The purpose of this research paper is to discuss the difference between the two, explain why the two might get conflated in the mind of a layman, and explain how one civil liberty facilitates the propagation of the other.


Communication law is crucial because, among other reasons, it protects society from the damaging outcomes that modern technology brings and enables users to make the most of it without engaging in illegal activity. This regulation aims to encourage individuals to utilise modern technology to its fullest extent without worrying too much about potential risks, etc.

In order to pick an ideal topic for this subject, you will have to think practically and choose something that is both interesting and manageable for you. You can start with a broad topic and zone in on a more focused topic within the broader topic. Also, make sure that the topic you choose is not too constrained and has the potential to be researched in depth. This is a very relevant topic of the law, so there is a lot of potential to pick a topic that has real-life and real-time significance.

Cyber law is a specialised area of law that deals with regulating the internet and cyberspace in general in order to protect the general public from crimes that are being committed through this particular medium of communication. The scope and scale of communications law is greater than that of cyber law.