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The Effects Of Visual Merchandising On Consumer Purchase

Chapter 3: Research methodology

3.1 Introduction

A research methodology is the useful method of encompassing the porches of carrying out any research. This consists of the process of planning to tackle important things like data collection processes, statistical analysis processes, observing the participants, to name a few. Research method can also be regarded as a formula. One part is about making effective e plans for improving the research process. Another one is to identify the effective ways of approaching it. It is regarded as a systematic and methodological plan for resolving the problem effectively.

3.2 Research philosophy

Research philosophy is the most effective process of managing the source, nature and development of knowledge in any research (Pandey and Pandey, 2021). In short, research philosophy is regarded as the belief system that helps in defining important processes of gathering, evaluating and applying the data (Snyder, 2019). There are three types of research philosophy, namely positivism, post positivism, intepretivism and realism. For this specific research, positivism research philosophy has been chosen. The main reason behind the choice of this philosophy is that it aims at specific research problems. Practical result is regarded as an important research element in this research philosophy. Another reason behind choosing this philosophy is that it depends mainly on quantitative data. This kind of data is more reliable than qualitative data. With the proper application of the quantitative approach, it has been possible for research investigators to use scientific and effective processes for all types of objective data related to the impact of visual merchandising on the willingness of the customers to buy in specific Fashion retail stores. With the help of the quantitative method, it has been possible for the research investigator to develop the research structure properly. Using the quantitative data, the researcher has been able to do large scale surveys for identifying different customer trends in the visual merchandising industry and investigating the effect of product display in the fashion stores.

Data Analysis and Findings

3.3 Research approach

Research approach is considered as the plan which consists of useful assumptions for evaluating the methods of data collection, proper analysis and interpretations (Basias and Pollalis, 2018). It is also dependent on the problem characteristics of the research that have to be addressed. Generally, two types of research approaches are used in the research. They are inductive and deductive approaches (Queirós, Faria and Almeida, 2017). For an inductive approach, first all the data regarding the research topic are gathered. After collecting a considerable amount of data, they are evaluated properly. On the other hand, a research process is developed by deductive approach with the help of all the existing theories.

For this specific research, a deductive approach has been selected. The researcher has selected a deductive approach because it is related to the development of hypothetical knowledge that depends on pertinent theories. With the proper usage of deductive approach, it has been possible for the research investigator to identify important variables and concepts like visual merchandising, willingness, cleanliness and store image. This approach has been responsible for helping the researcher in doing the research with the help of effective observation of the specific platforms of social media, total number of loyal customers, offered services and customized packages. This approach has also been useful for the research investigator in using many resources within a specific period.

3.4 Research design

For this specific research, quantitative research design has been applied. Quantitative research design has been applied for this research. Here, deductive reasoning has been used. In the quantitative research design process, it has been possible for the researcher to develop a hypothesis, collecting important data in the process of investigating specific research problems. After the data analysis from the investigation, effective analysis is done and conclusion is shared (Rutberg and Bouikidis, 2018). With the help of quantitative design, it has been possible for making important observations regarding the things that are unexplained, unknown or new. Moreover, with the help of investigation of the research design, it has been possible for investigating important theories that help in analyzing important research issues and problems associated with display, layout, color, lighting and layout. This design has also been helpful in hypothesizing an explanation of all the observations. This design has also helped in making important predictions on the outcomes on the basis of hypotheses.

3.5 Research instrument

For this research, a survey method has been applied. It is considered as an important tool, technique and tool that can be used for collecting important information through asking important questions to a group of people who have been predefined (Rashid and Sipahi, 2021). It has also been useful for facilitating the information exchange between all the research participants and the fashion stores that have been selected. Total number of participants that have been chosen for this research is 152. The participants have been chosen from specific fashion stores. They have been used for getting the important research outcomes with the help of quantitative analysis. Likert scale has been used for displaying all the information on the impacts of visual merchandising on the willingness of the consumers to make purchases in the fashion retail stores.

3.6 Data collection method

Data have been collected through conducting surveys of 152 customers from different fashion stores. The sample has been chosen by evaluating previous studies. In one research on the effect of visual merchandising on the affective responses of the consumers, 64 respondents have been selected. In one study on the effect of visual merchandising on impulse purchasing behavior of customers, a total of 84 customers have been chosen. In another research on consumer impulse behavior total 250 customers have been chosen. Another research on the effect of visual merchandising on the willingness of the customers to make purchases in the fashion retail stores, total 356 customers have been chosen. This indicates that the sample size has to be large. For this reason, a total 152 customers have been selected.

Analysis On External Judicial Practice And Internal Governance Mechanism

3.7 Data analysis method

The researcher has done quantitative data analysis for investigating the link between different variables as it has helped in permitting the research investigator to develop specific statistical data for reducing interpretive outcomes that is easy to understand and implement. For collecting the data with the help of the primary method, the questionnaire has been designed in a way that has helped in examining the link between all the variables with the agreement or disagreement of the research participants. The collected data has been evaluated with the help of correlation and regression analysis processes. The questionnaire has been distributed online with google forms. The dependent variable for this research is willingness of customers to make purchases from fashion retail stores. The independent variables for this research are the color and lighting scheme of the display, layout of the store, hygiene and cleanliness and prout display at the entrance. ‘T-testing’ has been used in the research for analyzing the research hypotheses.    

3.8 Summary

In this chapter, all the important research tools and techniques have been applied for doing the research properly. Proper research design and approach have been selected for doing the research properly. T-testing method has been used for analyzing the data properly. Important approaches have been taken for making effective usage of the data and taking important decisions related to development of the research.


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Basias, N. and Pollalis, Y., 2018. Quantitative and qualitative research in business & technology: Justifying a suitable research methodology. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, 7, pp.91-105.

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Rutberg, S. and Bouikidis, C.D., 2018. Focusing on the fundamentals: A simplistic differentiation between qualitative and quantitative research. Nephrology Nursing Journal, 45(2), pp.209-213.

Rashid, M.H. and Sipahi, E., 2021. The importance of quantitative research in language testing and assessment: in the context of social works. Linguistics and Culture Review, 5(S1), pp.317-330.

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