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Reflective Journal

Week 5: Developing Interim Report

At the very start of this week, I was very much nervous about the number of information floating around me regarding the selected topic. In this particular week, I have developed a proper understanding that is very much associated with the overview of the interim report and the specific client that we have selected. I have developed the strategies of different aspects of information collection procedures. For adequately developing an appropriate set of marketing plan, my team works towards the collection of appropriate data and gathering their outputs for forming the basis of our strategic recommendations to enhance the topic research (Ahmed, 2019)

The SPACE Gallery, located in New South Wales, Australia, for whom we have developed appropriate set of marketing campaign and marketing plan to enhance their market reach. I have also come to understand about various models for examining current marketing situations particularly industry and market analysis and client’s position. This contributed strategically towards wider ranges of understanding about the scopes of developing marketing plan. I was also very much exited to utilise SWOT model for observing the internal business practices of the client as well. In this framework, I have utilized the understanding about the theoretical perspectives that ultimately contributes towards the development of the practices. The knowledge that I have learnt throughout my courses, whatever I have understood regarding the theoretical practices have been applied carefully to understand the factors and provides valuable insights. I have utilized the theoretical understanding of market research perspectives including PESTLE, SWOT, for both the macro and micro business environment of the SPACE Gallery.

For properly understanding the requirements of the factors that are associated with the frameworks of The Space Gallery and its marketing goals after analysing the market environment that the company has developed in recent times. The final output of this marketing report that we have developed provides factual evidence that strongly contradicts with the client’s assumptions. On the other hand, this reflective report also delivers the understanding about the marketing goals required for the overall development of The Space Gallery. This is also very much associated with the enhancement and development of the plan.

While developing the plan I have found that there is a major challenge in collaboration with each of the team players, those results in the overall understanding about the topic and the tasks requirement. This hampers the overall success and achievement of positive results largely. On the other hand, I also have observed that the main challenge that this team has faced is the lack of understanding regarding theoretical knowledge. That means the use of theoretical structure for guiding our task progress, by adequately avoiding the strategic framework development in relation to the task.

During the preparation of the report, I have gained a significant amount of understanding regarding the importance of numerous strategic theories and models of marketing management that contribute towards wider ranges of goal achievement framework. I have received some of the most vital practical understanding regarding the way through which marketing plans can be developed and enhanced towards making an appropriate procedure for launching the products and services or enhancing the popularity of the business. As in order to understand the market requirements of the products that The SPACE Gallery was selling, we have utilized number of strategic marketing approaches, including PESTLE Analysis and SWOT Analysis. Both of these management models helped me in understanding the importance of both macro and micro business environments for developing the growth rates. It is also very much fascinating for me to know that the factors of PESTLE including Political, Societal, and Technological provide a significant amount of pressure to the businesses working in different industries. Hence, utilization of each of these models helped me in utilising and developing the prospects that contribute towards providing greater amounts of insights and levels of understanding (Corcoran & Duane, 2017). I have also learnt the plan does not need to be rigid in nature for developing an appropriate set of marketing plans.

International Business Management of Amazon

Week 10: Final report and Presentation

During this specific week, I have gained significant number of strategic approaches that are very much challenging for me to deal. This is because I was not able to develop the appropriate set of understanding regarding the Theoritical requirements of this project. Hence, I have started to gather the information by applying extensive research framework. In this, my entire team has helped me in gathering both the primary and secondary data relating to the business processes. In the primary research, I have gathered the market size, Market Potentials, Market structure and multiple other core factors that are very much effective to ensure wider ranges of framework for developing Theoritical perspectives.

These understandings of the market practices helped my team to develop wider ranges of policy procedures that are firmly entitled with understanding the business requirements and the business goals largely. On the other hand, with the appropriate implementation of different sets of policy procedures associated with Macro and Micro business environments, particularly the components of macro environment, including Political, Economic  and societal are very much vital for me and my team to understand the business developmental procedures. After developing what client is asking, I am also able to provide a greater sense of business developmental procedures that entrusts us for widening the scopes of theoretical understandings (Dumlao & Pinatacan, 2019). During the project, we have analysed that the trends in the contemporary marketplaces for widening the scopes of market share are not as accurate as the client has provided us. It requires having different figures and components that are intermixed with each other.

In order to reflect the entire marketing plan in a much critical manner, I am using the DIEP model carefully. This will help me in developing a more in depth and critical understanding about the way through which the concept of marketing plan can further be analysed.

Describe the SPACE Gallery, an art provider who offers a series of affordable art and art courses to the communities and the art lovers. The marketing plan that we have developed for this client is to develop its marketing campaign and enhance the overall sales by analysing the market requirement and building an appropriate set of marketing plans. While doing so, I have understood a number of requirements that need to be followed by the client to ensure an adequate amount of market enhancement procedures. In this, we utilise proper marketing strategy, target market analysis, Budget, adequate set of analysis on market competitors and both the macro, micro business environment. These helped us in understanding the business requirements as well as to provide appropriate marketing plans to the Client.

Interpret the Event: The insights that I have received are very much effective for me to broaden my scopes of knowledge and provide me diversified ways for considering the interpretation of information. These insights also contribute towards providing a balance between the views of the topic and the clients’ requirements. Using appropriate sets of market analysis procedures, we have developed a definitive understanding about the market that the client is representing. This helps us in broadening our information regarding the business requirements and customer demands.

Evaluate what you learned: Hence, using appropriate theoretical understanding I am able to gather specific sets of information and also be able to understand the business requirements in a much more specific and strategic manner. My team and I, after knowing the loopholes in information sharing from the client’s end, approached and attributed some fault to the client. We also have provided proper justification regarding the problem in the product and not in the market strategies. Our experience with the client therefore makes me and my teammates use a strategic theoretical framework for assisting the strategic business planning (Cirocki & Farrell, 2017). These helped us to reach the marketing plan for the SPACE Gallery.

Plan how this learning will be applied: In order to achieve a higher degree of business understanding and developing proper sets of marketing plan. We have developed a specific set of policies that will certainly contribute towards enhancing our popularity in making proper business plans for the companies. For this, we have to ensure adequate team building, team handling, and smoother distribution of responsibilities and accurate interpretation of the budget spending. This requires having definitive set of team building, as it will only able to contribute towards wider range of strategic objectives requirements,

From the personal reflective point of view, it can be understood that the business-marketing plan that we have developed has helped us in building a strong platform that contributes towards building enhanced storage of personal information. The appropriate view that our team has developed to ensure adequate inclusion of data and information relating to THE SPACE Gallery, and fulfil each of the requirements that the client has requested.

Analysis On External Judicial Practice And Internal Governance Mechanism

Team Reflection

This week that we have handed over in our interim plan to the supervisor who later provided us the feedbacks. The week off that we have taken provides us an outstanding view of each of our team members. The strengths that each of the members have represented throughout the paper is certainly remarkable and very much appreciable which results in the success of the project that we have completed recently. Two of the team members have represented extremely important evaluative judgements that contributed towards understanding the loopholes and the procedures to minimise the loopholes to make the entire project much successful. On the other hand, the tendency of getting emotionally involved with the project also contributed towards building a more appropriate and adequate set of understanding regarding the topic and the client’s requirements (Weaver, Lavery & Heineken, 2019).

The emotional attachment of the team members also contributed to us in getting an in-depth understanding about the factors associated with the appropriate building of a marketing plan for the client organisation. The way they have provided support and contributions towards making the entire project efficient and effective is certainly appreciable. I strongly valued the ability of each of the team members while they felt strongly regarding any topic based on their abilities to gather as much information as possible regarding the marketing plan development. Such valuable insights ultimately contributed to us finding the right direction to understand the clients’ requirements and the procedures to follow.

Other team players, on the other hand, displayed a significant amount of organisational skills, and always made sure that we are following an accurate path for achieving the project objectives accurately. The collaborative nature of each of the team players hence, helped us in finding the best possible path to follow the marketing plan.  Through the exceptional organisational skills as well as the leadership abilities, team members provided a wider range of performance developmental procedures largely. Despite having some loose ends within each of the team members, we bind ourselves within one group and one motive using different forms of tools and techniques. On the other hand, during the frequent conference calls we had discussed a number of topics to implement in the marketing plan The SPACE Gallery.

The mixture of our team members initially provided us with a significant amount of pressure to develop the understanding between each other. Language became a major hurdle for us to communicate and understand each other’s issues. However, gradually we have been able to overcome the issue and are able to build a strong platform towards a specific set of policy frameworks. The tendencies of being perfectionists, team building, organising skills as well as most importantly leadership skills became the most instrumental towards forming a specific nature of business performance and development of the framework as a whole (Weaver, Lavery & Heineken, 2019).

In order to make the appropriate set of target achievement and the enhancement of the business developmental framework, appropriate sets of constructive team climate is certainly an important element. In order to understand the significance of team skills I am utilising the GRIP model. This model will help in identifying the team skills and its importance in constructive team climate.

Goal: Goal brings the team to help in providing an adequate set of team building processes that provides common objectives. Developing a collective goal for the entire team helps in building a strong platform to make the team building and enhancing the skills are very much effective to ensure larger amount of team efficiency

Roles: Roles also help in building a sophisticated framework to achieve a higher degree of clearly defined aspects that are strongly contributing towards skills enhancement. Roles make each of the team members aware of their specific responsibilities that they need to implement for making the entire project appropriately successful.

Interpersonal Relationships: The concept of interpersonal relationships are also very much important and effective for overall development and enhancement of the collaboration, and building trust connections. While doing the tasks as well, we have developed strategic interpersonal relationships particularly in regards to the leaderships and teamwork. Both of these contribute towards a wider range of success rates (Kemper & Ballantine, 2019).

Procedures: Procedures is the most fundamental element for building the team skills that provides constructive developmental frameworks to the team members. Procedures help in building certain rules and regulations that are firmly associated with the success of the project much adequately and efficiently.

For establishing an effective team, incorporating each of the above mentioned elements are very much essential.

GRIP Model

In a team building process, the concept of professional practices are certainly very much important and effective to ensure a safer and efficient developmental framework. These professional practices strongly contributed towards an adequate set of cultural diversity within our team as well. As our team consisted of different nationalities and linguistic people from all over the globe (Gordon, 2019). Hence, each had different perspectives on the topic. That results in a number of confusion initially but with proper engagement of the cultural diversity perspectives; we are able to manage the differences and are able to work towards goal achievement to develop a proper marketing plan for The SPACE Gallery. The use of professional languages, techniques and practices are some of the most vital components and practices that we have developed during our project, helping us in reaching the objective before the assigned deadline. 

In order to broaden the scope of cultural diversity and efficiency of the team, a number of professional practices needs to be incorporated in the team. These firmly provide a specific set of team building practices to enhance the cultural diversity. These includes:

  • For this adequate set of incorporation of written policies will certainly be beneficial for us to enhance the concept of cultural diversity. This will ensure a safer working environment for each of the team members who belong to different linguistic and cultural backgrounds.
  • Practicing good manners within the respective workplace is also very crucial for us to maintain appropriate cultural diversity measures. Respecting each of the cultural practices, habits, within the team is certainly an important component that ensures safer engagement with the team members much more efficiently.

Data Analysis and Findings

In conclusion, I can say that being a team member that belongs to a diverse cultural and linguistic background helped me in building a strong interpersonal connection with each of the team members that helps me in ensuring efficiency and productivity. The project that we had worked on helped us in understanding some of the most specific and wider ranges of policy programs that ensure specific understandings regarding marketing concepts and models. As in this report, we have utilized number of management-oriented models that are very much critical for building appropriate scopes for researching the topic. Hence, each of the team members have received a significant amount of knowledge regarding the development of marketing plans.



Ahmed, A. M. (2019). Students’ reflective journaling: an impactful strategy that informs instructional practices in an EFL writing university context in Qatar. Reflective Practice20(4), 483-500. Retrieved on 20-09-2021, from

Cirocki, A., & Farrell, T. S. (2017). Reflective practice for professional development of TESOL practitioners. The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL6(2), 5-23. Retrieved on 18-09-2021, from

Corcoran, N., & Duane, A. (2017). Using enterprise social networks as a knowledge management tool in higher education. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems. Retrieved on 18-09-2021, from

Deakinco, (2017), Cultural awareness. Retrieved on 17-09-2021, from

Dumlao, R. P., & Pinatacan, J. R. (2019). From Practice to Writing: Using Reflective Journal Instruction in Enhancing Pre-Service Teachers’ Professional Development. International Journal of Instruction12(4), 459-478. Retrieved on 18-09-2021, from

Gordon, R. (2019). Critical social marketing: Reflections, introspections, and future directions. The Routledge companion to critical marketing, 83-97. Retrieved on 19-09-2021, from

Jarvis, M. A., & Baloyi, O. B. (2020). Scaffolding in reflective journaling: A means to develop higher order thinking skills in undergraduate learners. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences12, 100195. Retrieved on 19-09-2021, from

Kemper, J. A., & Ballantine, P. W. (2019). What do we mean by sustainability marketing?. Journal of Marketing Management35(3-4), 277-309.  Retrieved on 19-09-2021, from

Weaver, J. C., Lavery, M. R., & Heineken, S. (2019). Reflective Practice: The Impact of Self-identified Learning Gaps on Professional Development. Journal on Empowering Teaching Excellence3(2), 6. Retrieved on 17-09-2021, from