Investigating the effects of Twitter
Investigating the effects of Twitter on brand perceptions in the UK fashion industry
The Theory of Consumption Values. 3
Over the last few decades, social media has gained a rapid popularity over the people. The social medias like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. has become important aspects of the people’s life in the current times (Rathore and Ilavarasan, 2018). All the brands have also started to use social media actively in order to reach a greater population that can help them in their way towards achieving the business goals (Rathore and Ilavarasan, 2018). Significant social media websites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and others have a huge influence over the brand recognition of the businesses in capturing and engaging enormous amounts of traffic in their social media handles that help them to engage more deeply with the customers that increases their customer satisfaction and brand perceptions (Simon and Tossan, 2018).
The research critically investigates the effects of Twitter on brand perceptions in the UK fashion industry. The major reason for choosing this topic is to understand the impacts of Twitter on the brand perceptions in the UK fashion industry.
Problem Statement
The social media is increasing day by day and the impacts of the social media is in every aspect of life nowadays. It has also increased the brand perceptions and brand awareness among the larger audiences who are using social media (Cheung, Pires and Rosenberger, 2020). The major social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, etc. has largely influenced the brands of all the sectors and the fashion industry to showcase their products and services to a huge customer base (Algharabat et al., 2020). These sites also allowed the luxury fashion brands to do effecting marketing of their products and to engage them with their audiences in order to increase the customer satisfaction (Koay et al., 2020). So, in this research, the impacts of Twitter on brand perceptions in the UK fashion industry will be evaluated in order to meet the research aim and objectives.
Research Aim
The research aims to understand the effects of Twitter on brand perceptions in the UK fashion industry. The increasing use and the expansion of social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, etc. Has significantly benefitted the luxury brands in the fashion industry over UK like Levi’s, Nike, Next, Puma, George, Reebok, Rayban, and all the other brands in achieving their business goals by providing a huge population from all over the world in front of them.
In order to successfully meet the research aims, the researchers will be following several research objectives like-
- Tounderstand how the social media impactson the perceptions of the customers in fashion industry
- To evaluate the effectiveness of Twitter in marketing of the fashion brands
- To understand the positive or negative impacts Twitter hold in achieving or not achieving the business goals of the fashion industry in UK
Literature Review
The increasing use of social media is impacting the fashion brands remarkably as they are allowed to showcase their innovations and trending products in real-time to a vast audience from all over the worlds that is influencing the buying decision of the customers causing a great revenue of the fashion brands like Puma, Reebok, Rayban, Levi’s, etc.
Theory of Consumption Values
The theory pays attention to understand the factors that influences the buying decision of the customers so that it can be understood that why the customers choose one product over another product or why a specific brand is preferred while making purchases over other brands (Wang et al., 2018). The theory investigates the determinants that influences the buying behavior of the customers. In this research, this theory is included in the study as it can provide a critical insight of the effects of social media in the customer buying behavior of the fashion brands (Wang et al., 2018). This theory suggests that in order to understand the usefulness of social media marketing of the fashion brands that influences the customers’ buying behavior, it is necessary to look upon the real instances of the brands’ promotions to develop an in-depth understanding of the factor (Sundström, Hjelm-Lidholm and Radon, 2019).
Role of Twitter in Brand Engagement
The researchers Liu, Shin, and Burns,2021, investigates the effects of the social media marketing of the luxury fashion brands on engaging with their customers and brand perceptions among them. The researchers focus on the social media activities of different brands in order to evaluate their interaction with the customers along with the current market trends to understand the impact of social media in the customers’ perception towards the brands.They have used the Twitter data of the brands over 60 months (july 2012 –june 2017) to measure all the aspects critically in order to develop an insight based on the real data (Liu, Shin and Burns, 2021). The researchers have used 3.78 million tweets from Twitter data of 15 brands with significant numbers of followers in the website.
The researchers’ Read et al., 2018, aimed to develop a theoretical model in order to understand the engagement of the brands and the customers over Twitter. The researchers have conducted a mixed method of data collection where they have taken interviews with individuals and also gathered information from the past literatures in the research context in order to develop an effective hypothesis based on the real data from different individuals (Read et al., 2018). They have analyzed the primary data that were taken from the personal interviews with the help of statistical analysis in order to provide real insights to the readers (Read et al., 2018). The research paper founded that the customer service of the brands and their intimacy with the customers in Twitter positively influences the businesses to create a significant presence in the market that leads to overall growth of the brands. According to the researchers Cheung, Pires, and Rosenberger, 2019, the interaction of the brands with their customers in social media rapidly encourages the process of electronic word-of-mouth that increases their brand awareness among the audiences that helps them to achieve their business goals.
Figure 1: The figure shows the ways that can be followed by a brand to be culturally relevant
(Source: Twitter, 2022)
According to a survey conducted by the Twitter, they have identified various ways that can be followed by the brands to be culturally relevant. The people have given their responses as it is important to give back to the community by using environmentally sustainable approaches or other things. The people have also suggested that the brands should put their customers in the first place in order to be culturally relevant. Another two ways that are identified is being inclusive of a wide audience and supporting social issues that can benefit all the people.
Figure 2: The market statistics of online fashion industry worldwide
(Source: Orendorff, 2022)
The figure 2 shows the overall market statistics of the online fashion industry along with the analysis of the revenue from 2018 with the revenue of the individual fashion items like apparel, footwear, and bags and accessories. The author Orendorff also shows the estimate of the forecasted revenue till 2025 of the online fashion market.
Most of the research works have studied the impacts of social media in the brand perceptions of the customers but very few researchers have discussed about the impacts of a specific social media website over a particular sector in the business area (Helal and Ozuem, 2018). This research will discuss about the effects of Twitter in the brand perceptions in the fashion industry in UK that will be evaluating the specific brands also. So, the research fits appropriately in the research context as it will deliver the information that are the gaps of past literatures.
Research Design
Research Approach
This research will follow a qualitative research approach as the researchers aim to develop deep understanding of the effects of Twitter on brand perceptions in the UK fashion industry.The researchers will be using the data from the past literatures and studies in order to successfully meet the research objectives and the research aim that majorly purposes to understand the impacts of Twitter on the brand perceptions in the UK fashion Industry.
The effectiveness of Twitter in marketing of the brands will be evaluated in this study in order to have a deep insight of the usage of social media in marketing and the potential of Twitter in increasing the sales of the fashion brands.
Research Strategy
The research strategy reflects the research process in a brief manner in order to provide the working way of the research quickly to the readers.
As discussed in the previous section, the research will be following a qualitative research design where the secondary data from the pieces of past literatures will be evaluated in order to develop a critical understanding of the impacts of Twitter on the brand perceptions in the fashion industry of the United Kingdom. All the objectives in this study like the impacts of social media in brand perceptions, the effectiveness of Twitter in marketing, and the positive or negative impacts of Twitter in the achievement of business goals of the brands will be evaluated in the research.
Data Collection Method
The data collection is a very important aspect in every research as the data validates the overall research and directs the researchers to analyze and produce successful insights of the research that meets the research objectives (Mazhar et al., 2021).
In this study, a secondary data collection method will be followed as the researchers will collect the data from the past articles, and the statistics of the luxury fashion brands in the research context in order to develop effective knowledge of the research questions. The research studies from the last five years will be selected and their data will be used for the authentication and currency of the data. All the articles will be taken from a legit database that is Google Scholar This secondary data collection method has a significant advantage to the research as it will provide a vast data of different aspects that can be used according to the research aim and objectives.
Data Analysis
The data that will be collected through the secondary sources like past researches, journals, and the statistics of the fashion brands will be closely read and the important data that are important in the research context will be identified and analyzed in order to achieve a greater understanding of the impact of Twitter on brand perceptions in the UK. The data analysis will allow the research to successfully meet the research aim and objectives.
Research Limitations
Every research holds some limitations by different means, and this study is also not an exception of this fact. The study largely talks about the effect of Twitter on the brand perceptions in the fashion industry of UK. In order to get upon the aim and objectives, the research takes secondary data collection into account for having a vast sources of data that gives a wide insight to the aspects that are relevant to this research context. However, the study does not take any primary data into use like the real data from surveys, interviews, etc. This factor brings a limitation to the study as this restricts the research to have an understanding of the individuals’ real thoughts and opinions about Twitter and its influence over the buying behavior of the individuals of the products that are provided by the fashion brands. This limitation suggests the future researchers in this research context to cover this issue in their future works to make their study comprised with real information that are based upon the people’s opinions.
Ethical Considerations
This research has aimed to provide legit and real information without any bias to the readers so that they can develop an effective insight of the research context. The information that are provided in this study is extracted from the legit sources to keep the transparency of the knowledge.
The study aims to get upon the research aim and objectives that collectively provides a strong understanding of the research context that is to investigate the effect of Twitter on brand perceptions in the UK fashion industry. The study will collect data from the secondary sources like the past literatures and the real statistics of the companies in order to understand the influence of Twitter in their business performance.As mentioned earlier, the study will follow a research approach of qualitative study in order to discuss the aspects associated with the research largely.
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